Friday, August 5, 2011

Easy come, easy go?

Damn, damn, damn!
What a brutal week for my personal finances! Over $11K gone, vanished quicker than a bag of donut holes around Snookie. There's only one thing wrong with our country, Politicians!
Democrats & Republicans, not a dime's worth of difference between these two. Both are as crooked as Lombard Street, only out to get re-elected and play the "blame game" pointing fingers at each other faster than kids playing "Cops & Robbers". All at the expense of the American people. Our system is broken and is in need of drastic repairs. As a Federal employee, my pay is now frozen for two years (and probably one more after that from what I read). Yet Congress votes itself a pay raise every year! Our yearly raise was a small amount, around 1.5%, barely enough to keep up with inflation and more likely than not, didn't even do that. If Federal Pay is frozen for two years, than ALL BRANCHES of the government should share the pain. All of Congress, White House staff and all Federal Judges. Legislative, Executive and Judicial should all have their pay frozen, not just us GS employees!
Maybe if we stopped pouring money into foreign countries and focused on getting our own house in order, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now!

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