Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blast off!

Greetings all,

This is my first foray into the "Blogosphere". I often post on Facebook and make comments on various websites, but all of those thoughts, comments, rants, quips, etc., just get lost in cyberspace. This is my opportunity to gather all of those random musings in to one central location for your amusement, pity, loathing and reading pleasure as the case may be.
I'm fairly certain at some point, something I say will offend you. That usually (not always though!) isn't my intention. My goal is to share information, to make you ask questions of what you thought you already knew and to put a smile on your face. If i'm "spot on", then I will have evoked a range of emotions. That is my goal.

So who am I? Well, I'm a 48 year old (with the sense of humor of a 16 year old) American man that lives in Japan and has done so for about 27 of the past 30 years. I've travelled from the northern tip of Hokkaido in winter to the mangrove jungles of Iriomote and many places in between. I've lived in Misawa, Aomori-prefecture for a few years but most of my time has been on Okinawa. I currently reside in Yokosuka, Kanagawa prefecture and have been here for one year now.

I will cover various topics from life in Japan, to politics, religion, my work, current events, etc.

I enjoy nature photography, travel, Thai food, history, micro brews, red wine, old school soul, classic rock, jazz, laughing, loving, spending time with family and friends, basically, enjoying my brief time on the blue planet.

It's time for me to dash off to work (more about that lovely job of mine later) so, I look forward to chatting with you again soon!

Kind regards,


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations tatlim :)
    I love your blog and i have to say that 'it is amazing of you to share& save your thoughts in your blog!

    your blog is my new "must check all the time" place ;)

    good luck on your new journey :)
