Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dumb & dumber

In 1992, Ross Perot gained nearly 19% of the popular vote but "0" electoral votes. Up to that point, Presidential debates were managed by the League of Women Voters. Due to the strong showing of an Independent candidate, the Democrats and Republicans took over the debates by creating "The Presidential Debate Commission" comprised of, you guessed it, Democrats & Republicans. Since then, there have been no 3rd party candidates invited to a Presidential Debate. The only time that Democrats and Republicans work together is to keep every other party out of their exclusive club. Excluding Libertarians, Greens, Independents and every other party prevents them from gaining any national media attention and effectively silences them. Parties must gain 5% of the vote to obtain "matching funds".

I bring this to your attention to remind you that "We the sheeple" are being conned by the powers that be. There isn't a real democracy unless all voices are heard and able to participate. The current form of government we have doesn't seem to be Democracy, but Duopoly.

There's a serious budget crisis and the only thing Congress can manage to do is to vote on Obamacare for the 37th time, the only thing the media reports is four tragic deaths in Benghazi (never mind the roughly 8,000 deaths in Iraq & Afghanistan) and the only thing the public talks about is gay marriage.
We're a nation of Ostriches with our heads buried in the sand. Professional sports, garbage on TV and arguing with our old high school friends on Facebook about politics (choosing sides of the Duopoly) quickly followed by posting your scores on some inane game like "Candy Crush Saga" serve as distractions that keep our focus off of what is really important. Our education system is failing, we're being slowly poisoned by factory farms, we're eating ourselves into an early grave, climate change, etc.
But we can't see the danger until we pull our heads from the sand.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


No, I'm not referring to an emergency request for help or the thin sliced beef in gravy served over toast commonly called S.O.S. (You military guys can explain the acronym) but to the 70's disco/funk/soul band of the same name.

A bit of (as Ricky Ricardo would say) "splainin" is in order first.....
Yesterday my eldest son Yohan and his GF Yui arrived for a visit from Okinawa. We went to the base to visit my work and pick up some snacks, I brought them to a rental car agency so they had transportation for a few days then we headed back to my house. A quick rest and it was off to Yokohama for dinner and to sightsee along Minato Mirai (see my photos in the Yokohama album). We had dinner at a place I found last Sunday, a nice Italian restaurant called Mangia-Mangia, nice view, good food and they had live music. Well there was an African-American guy playing some jazzy piano, we happened to be sitting right in front of him and enjoyed the show. He took a break and came down to talk to us as I was the only other American in the place. Well turns out this gentleman was Mr. Jason Bryant Jr.. Who (you ask) is he? Well, turns out that Mr. Bryant was the founder of the S.O.S. band! (Take your time do it right....) He married a Japanese woman and now lives in Yokohama and plays at this restaurant twice a week. We had a nice chat about living in Japan and he asked about my job and if I had heard of his band before (not knowing I am seriously into old school music) I knew several of their songs and many others too and told him I will definitely be down to hear him again. He gave me his business card with his e-mail address and cell number and was kind enough to take a few photos too. Real nice guy, down to earth and laid back, not to mention a damned good piano player, singer and performer. Such things just wouldn't happen in the US!

Friday, September 9, 2011

My take on the GOP Debate

Having watched the recent GOP debate (7 Sept) from the Reagan Library, here are my opinions of the candidates and a few of their talking points:

TX Gov. Rick Perry- 
Wants to lower taxes on businesses

Says (To Romney) Michael Dukakis created more jobs in MA than you did

TX is last in the nation for healthcare coverage

Would cancel Obamacare

Refers to Caucasians as "Anglos" (not too bright)

Did plenty of "posturing" for camera, trying to look "Presidential", (probably as a result of the criticism for squirming on the chair during the last town hall)

Says Social Security is wrong, a "Ponzi Scheme" for younger Americans, a "lie to kids"

"I'm not responsible for Karl Rove's comments" (Re: Rove's remarks that his comments were "Toxic" and fuel for Dems to use in general election

Against Dept of Homeland Security

Cut billions from TX education budget

Tough on immigration

Wants balanced budget amendment

Against "military adventurism"

Agreed with Obama in hunt for OBL, gives "props" (but says with long "o" as in "professional" vs, short "o" as in "Proper") Nice try to be hip Gov.

Also supports keeping Gitmo open

Questions human role in climate change, seemed to babble discussing economic impact of global warming regulations

says TX cut 57% of Nitrous Oxide, GOV, that's laughing gas used by dentists, did you perhaps mean another gas, Carbon Dioxide perhaps?

Actually proud of killing 234 inmates and got a round of applause for it, scary!

MA Gov. Mitt Romney-
Touts his private sector experience

Gets a laugh for his crack on Al Gore's internet comments

Would label China as a currency manipulator

"I'd overturn Obamacare on day one"

Stop sending us energy out of the country, develop our own resources

Committed to save Social Security

"The President doesn't have a clue on how to get the US working again"

Crisis in confidence, lack of leadership, Obama is in over his head.

says US needs a leader that "loves this country" (Implies Obama does not)-sneaky shot Mitt.

No tax exemptions for poor, everyone share burden then says help middle class with tax breaks on interest & capital gains if earn less that $200K. (Wow, both sides of the mouth at once)

Would fire Ben Bernanke

says his plan would grow economy by 4% over next 4 years & add 11 1/2 million jobs

TX Rep. Ron Paul
 Called the "Absolutist" by moderator

No Federal role for safety, let market & states set own regulations

Would eliminate the minimum wage

Our society is over mandated (his continual theme)

Could buy a gallon of gas with a silver dime (against inflationary policies of Treasury Dept)

Says Gov Perry is less conservative then he seems to appear

Would not use Executive Orders to write laws

Would abolish TSA, says agents have sexually mauled passengers (moderator jokes "have a nice flight back")

Would abolish FEMA

Remove benefits for illegal immigrants (and presumably "anchor babies")

US war on drugs is cause of problems in Mexico (war on drugs is a failure!, legalize & tax pot)

Don't run a "welfare state"

"Those who believe in liberty don't lack compassion"

Businessman, Mr. Herman Cain
Eliminate the current tax code, it is a drain on entrepreneurs and the biggest barrier holding this economy back

Develop 9-9-9 economic growth plan (9% on corporate income, 9% on personal income & 9% national sales tax) then he added if 10% is good enough for God, then 9% ought to be good enough for Federal govt.

Economy is on life support

Would expand health savings accounts, Use the Chile model

Said "Do you want to hear rhetoric or solutions"?

More state and less Federal power, empower states to solve their own immigration problems

Govt. needs to get out of the business of deciding who pays tax and what amount. (what about the 999 plan)?

Fmr PA Sen. Rick Santorum-
"I have a record of getting things done". I can get democratic votes. (I get things done too ;-)

Eliminate corporate tax

Devout Catholic

Claims he was best supporter of poor while Senator (I'd have to see his voting record to believe that line)

Says "Trust us" (Govt), to transform welfare (Isn't that the cry against the Dems & Obama?)

The dignity of every human person (as opposed to non-human persons?)

Supports the Dept of Homeland Security as an information consolidation and sharing organization (I agree on this point)

Secure our border

Says Paul & Huntsman are "isolationists"

No exit strategy for foreign interventions (how about a "no enter" strategy Sen?)

*Interesting factoid, as a lawyer, he represented the World Wrestling Federation, arguing that professional wrestling should be exempt from federal anabolic steroid regulations because it was not a sport

Fmr. Speaker of House- GA Rep, Newt Gingrich
*He wrote the forward to Perry's book "Fed Up" saying Perry was uniquely qualified, wonder if he regrets it now?

Says the President is "committed to class warfare" & socialism

Would repeal Obamacare

Whined about the moderators attempts to have candidates engage in "fighting each other" (Uh, Newt, it is a debate, a contest if you will, not a love-in)

GOP team is unified to defeat Obama (Not if the Tea Party fields their own candidate)

Helped develop the Dept of Homeland Security

Agrees with Obama on charter schools

"Make English the official language of Govt" (I wasn't aware of another language being spoken in the House of Representatives, the Khazak caucus perhaps?)

Would fire Ben Bernanke ASAP

Would set aside 1/3 of Alaska as parks but develop the remaining 2/3rds (Goodbye Polar Bears and hundreds of bird breeding areas, hello extinction of dozens of species)

MN Rep Michelle Bachmann-

Says she is a "strong, bold leader"

Will bring gasoline to $2.00 a gallon

It is wrong for Feds to inoculate kids (how'd we defeat polio, measles & smallpox?)

Build a fence along the entire border

Opposed the Libya intervention

Maintain global order with our military (World policeman role)

Obama has weakened the US more than at any time in history (She's watched "Red Dawn" to many times)

She's on the house intelligence committee -(That's a damned scary thought!)

Would drill in Fl Everglades & says coal is key to US energy.

EPA has "political agenda"

Ambassador & UT Gov. John Huntsman
US has no leverage to start a trade war (In response to Romney calling China a currency manipulator)

As Gov of UT had highest job creation rate in US

Has public, private sector & world experience

Presidential leadership matters

(Ref to Obama) Get out from behind your teleprompter

Asks moderators "Why talk for 10 mins on DHS, focus on economy"

Says immigration is a "Human issue"

Makes no pledges other than to his wife and country, to do so jeopardizes future flexibility, look at their records (candidates)

US has lost confidence

Would bring troops home

Says GOP is in danger of alienating people for being anti-science and anti-global warming (great points)

Says he can bring in Independent and Conservative Democrat votes to win election

Rick Perry is dangerously electable as GOP candidate, he's not terribly bright, has a clumsy folksiness like his predecessor that seems to appeal to the GOP masses. Might be too far right to win in the general election but the US seems to be heading in that direction (sadly)

Ron Paul, the grassroots internet sweetheart. Part Tea Bagger, part Libertarian poster boy of the "Reduce Government" bandwagon. Always seems ready to jump ship from the GOP and go in as an IND candidate. Has some moments of brilliance followed by off the wall ideas.
Even with his popularity, I doubt he'd get the party nomination.

Mitt Romney is probably going to be the nominee. He seems much more polished has the presidential look and mannerisms. More moderate than Perry, Paul, Santorum, Newt & Bachmann. As he's a GOP candidate their base would go along (as opposed to Obama) and he could draw in undecided and IND voters. Don't be surprised if he picks a Tea-Bagger VP.
There's been no mention of the fact he is a Mormon, perhaps later when the mud really starts to fly.

Herman Cain is the "Outsider". This has some advantages, especially as career politicians are in such low regard now. I do like his 999 plan & tax code reforms. His down to earth speaking & style might not be seen as "presidential material" and is the solid White Conservative GOP base ready for an African American to carry their banner?

Rick Santorum- Fiscal and socially very conservative. Not a very impressive showing during the debate.  No stand out ideas, get's lost in the crowd. Might drop out soon enough.

Newt Gingrich is like a flashlight with the batteries going out. He had his "Glory Days" and sitting behind the President as Speaker of the House is as close as he will get to the Captains Chair.

Michelle Bachmann's handlers have done a good job with her, transforming her from a Palin wannabee into a strong second tier candidate. A Tea party diva, she seems to be on a short list of possible VP considerations. She'd bring in the fringe right and appeal to women voters, but isn't that what they said about Sarah Palin? If the GOP fields a moderate ticket (Romney-Huntsman/Cain) I wonder if the Tea-Baggers would split and pick Bachmann to head their ticket? (I really hope so!)

John Huntsman has an impressive resume and record as Gov of UT, slashing taxes and maintaining a budget surplus. He has tremendous world experience,  seems to be the most intelligent of the field and has more moderate social views than his colleagues. He accepts evolution and acknowledges Global Warming, probably the only one of the eight candidates to have those views. If I just had to pick a GOP candidate to vote for, he'd be the one. He could have run as a Conservative Democrat and might have unseated Obama.

Well there you have it. My views and thoughts of the current GOP Presidential candidates.
I'm always happy to have you share your views and discuss this in a civil manner.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Drilling in the arctic

     Reading the following article ( just makes me sick to my stomach, (like listening to Ann Coulter talk) a real kick in the groin. Being an avid birder, photographer and self-proclaimed tree-hugging lefty, the thought of oil rigs in the pristine arctic wilderness just boggles the mind (like the popularity of Bill O' Reilly). What part of "disaster waiting to happen" doesn't the Obama administration understand? Has the massive gulf oil spill taught us nothing? The EPA and us, the citizens of our country (ie. "We the people") have an obligation to oppose this fiasco in the making.

     A study by the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) already points of the dangers that aircraft and industrial development pose to wildlife in the Bering and Chukchi seas. Both of those areas are scheduled for "exploratory drilling" in July 2012, right when young fledgling chicks are at their most vulnerable.

     I'm reminded of an scene from Star Trek when the Enterprise travels through time to an earth under Borg control. The planet is an industrial wasteland, eastern Europe in the late 50's was bright and sunny by comparison.  My point is, we need to draw the proverbial "line in the sand" somewhere. I can think of no better place than the pristine north slope of the arctic.


As I might be saying certain things about people, politics, work, etc.. I thought it best if I post this disclaimer. Though I do work for the Federal Government, the views of this blog are those of mine as a private citizen and in no way, shape or form should be construed as an official endorsement from the United States Government, the Department of Defense or the Defense Commissary Agency. I in no way, shape or form seek to influence my subordinates views and would never use my office to punish those who disagree or favor those that do agree with me. I encourage free though and civil debate. This blog serves for me to share information and put forth my opinions on a myriad of subjects and also, for me to "vent", to express my anger and outrage on positions I disagree with. I've shared this philosophy with my friends and co-workers " Some people treat information like gold, hoarding it thinking the more they keep for themselves, the richer and more valuable they will be. I do not want those types of people on my staff or as my friends. I want information to be like crisp mountain air, fresh and rich in oxygen. The more we all have, the healthier we will all be." I encourage you all to do the same.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The most eloquent man of our time

I don't have a "favorite", actor, sports figure, musician, artist, etc.. I outgrew hero worship about the same time I outgrew Spiderman pajamas and sleeping with a night light.
I do however have a few people that I truly respect and admire for their courage, intelligence and razor sharp wit. Foremost among those is Mr. Christopher Hitchins, a man despised by most religious people and one of the leading Atheists of modern time. "Hitch" as he's fondly referred to, is a British born author and journalist with some dozen or so books under his belt.
(Just do a quick Wikipedia check to get more info on him.) He doesn't refer to himself as an Atheist, but as an Anti-theist, (I'm not certain though if he includes a hyphen or not).
Hitch has such a gift, mastery of the English language paired with a high level of intelligence. He is a pleasure to listen to and one feels a bit of pity for his opponents in a debate, somewhat like watching the opponents of a young Mike Tyson enter the ring. You just know there's going to be a pummeling! For your viewing pleasure, here are a few examples of "Hitch" in top form.