Saturday, August 20, 2011


As I might be saying certain things about people, politics, work, etc.. I thought it best if I post this disclaimer. Though I do work for the Federal Government, the views of this blog are those of mine as a private citizen and in no way, shape or form should be construed as an official endorsement from the United States Government, the Department of Defense or the Defense Commissary Agency. I in no way, shape or form seek to influence my subordinates views and would never use my office to punish those who disagree or favor those that do agree with me. I encourage free though and civil debate. This blog serves for me to share information and put forth my opinions on a myriad of subjects and also, for me to "vent", to express my anger and outrage on positions I disagree with. I've shared this philosophy with my friends and co-workers " Some people treat information like gold, hoarding it thinking the more they keep for themselves, the richer and more valuable they will be. I do not want those types of people on my staff or as my friends. I want information to be like crisp mountain air, fresh and rich in oxygen. The more we all have, the healthier we will all be." I encourage you all to do the same.

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